How to Potty Train Your Bichon Frise

The Bcajoker is a great dog for any family, and you should not hesitate to get one for your home if you want a small dog that will be obedient and calm. If you have never had a Bcajoker before, you might think that these dogs are large in size and difficult to train. In fact, these dogs are small in size, and they are perfectly trainable! If you want to know how to train your Bcajoker effectively, you should read this article. You will find out all about Bcajoker training and why it is important to be patient with your dog when it comes to potty training.

Before you start your Bcajoker potty training, you need to bring this dog into the house on a leash. The leash is important because Bcajoker are known as highly energetic dogs. They love to run around, jump, and play so you want to make sure that you can get your Bcajoker in the house and around all of your rooms on the leash. After you do that, you need to start training! This is probably one of the easiest dogs to train, but it can still be frustrating at times.

The first thing you want to start with is sitting on the potty chair. The Bcajoker will sit on the potty chair just like a puppy would, and this is what makes potty training them so easy. Simply place your hand right below the belly button, on the shoulder, and start rubbing your dog’s stomach to show him he is ready to go potty. Once he starts to sit, then you can start the process of training him. Always start with small amounts, just enough to see if he notices you put the small amount on the potty chair, then go from there. Click here for more details about Bcajoker

When he is ready to sit, you should put your hand under his belly and then slowly lift up his rear. When you do this, he will start to stand up and then sit down. Continue doing this, and you should notice your dog standing in the bowl more often. Once he starts to learn what it is like to sit down, then you can start to increase the size of the potty. Your dog will start to want the larger potty and it will be easier for him to hold it when you put the leash on him.

Once you have trained your dog to sit down, the next step is to teach him how to get off the leash. Start by guiding him to the door and to turn around. Then you need to guide him to the ground, and the walkway, which will eventually get him to start moving a lot more in the general direction you have directed him to go. If you need to, you can even take a short few steps to make it look like he is moving forward, even though he is really just walking around the house. 

You will probably need to take some additional precautions to potty train your Bichon Frise while he is still a puppy. This means that you may want to start getting him some puppy supplies such as dog bedding, food dish, toys, and maybe even a crate. Some people use harnesses when they first start training their dogs because they are usually easier to attach to the dog than the collars and leashes that people use. The thing is that Bichon dogs are very responsive to positive reinforcement, and a lot of people find that their dogs respond very well to positive reinforcement and praise.

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